Professional Punkers Fest Vol.1 // 05/02/2016

Jesse Mosher is back in Italy for the 3rd time! // 9/24/2015
The Butchers Punk Rock Invades New York // 9/21/2015

The band from Varese (Italy) will fly for the first time to America (New York) with a series of dates starting from the 28th of October to the 8th of November.
Several New York bands will be joining, including Spike Polite and The Sewage and Primadonna and The Reeds. Last summer 2015 The Butchers were joined by the New York band "Sewage" for a series of dates in Italy. They've been working together recording a split album in Italian / English language that will most likely be available soon and accompanied by a single Videoclip. An unusual collaboration between an American street-punk band and an italian band of the Olona Valley Punk Rock, which sees Spike Polite leader of the Sewage lending his voiceo on one of the songs written by the Butchers. Spike's voice acute and powerful and the voice of Buccia (leader of Butchers) aggressive and biting, will be the soundtrack to the Halloween Festival in Long Island and a few days later at the Otto's Shrunken Head and at the Grand Victory Brooklyn (New York) with The Primadonna Reeds. It will be a real "Olona Valley Punk Rock Show" cited. "Pornoriviste" lol, but set in New York and who knows that this US tour can not then lead to new future collaborations?
For now, do not miss their next live pre United States dates:
-19th September at TNT Milan as a special guest for the Punkoscenico Release Party
-17th October with Punkreas in Calenzano (Florence) https://www.facebook.com/events/757149797729807/
Event: Jesse Mosher + Not Since The Accident // 9/18/2015

JESSE MOSHER + NOT SINCE THE ACCIDENT - 27th October @ The One - Cassano D'adda (Italy)
South Wales based punk band Not Since The Accident featuring a guest appearance from New York punk painter Jesse Mosher who has previously toured in Wales as part of his European tour with NTSA.
Not Since The Accident just released their new album "Sinkholes" on Team Beard Records on Sept 1st https://teambeardrecords.bandcamp.com/album/not-since-the-accident-sink-holes